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Reclaiming Your Inner Wild Woman: part II
The Rest of the Stories

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This is part two of the Wild Woman classes.

Pre Requisite - You must have completed the first class, Reclaiming Your Inner Wild Woman to register for this.

Returning to Your Wild Woman Energies
is Like Coming Home to Your Tribe

Join Dr. A. in the second eight-week cycle to fexpand  your study of this powerful archetype from women’s mythology.


Reconnect with your classmates and go deeper into the remaining tales, that will take you on an otherworld adventure into Jungian and Archetypal psychology.


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Required Text: Women Who Run with The Wolves, by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés

Readings for Week One: Chapter Four

The class runs for 90 minutes per session for eight weeks. 

There is one section open for registration.

​The class is limited to those women who have completed the first course (Reclaiming Your Inner Wild Woman)


ZOOM links and syllabus will be emailed to participants one week before the event—



If you miss a session, classes will be recorded and available via a private video link.

Each week after class, you will be emailed a digital, typeable journal for further reflection.


Eight-Week Class Fee is $159.00 USD     Class Minimum 6, maximum 15.

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