Celebrating Ostara : The Celtic Wheel of The Year
Sun, Mar 17
The wheel has once again turned; Spring is nearly here! Join us to celebrate the Vernal (Spring) Equinox, Ostara.

Mar 17, 2024, 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM PDT
About the Event
The wheel has once again turned; Spring is nearly here!
We now find ourselves at the Vernal (Spring) Equinox, Ostara.
Dr. Nicola Tannion will begin our workshop with a discussion of The Celtic Wheel and meeting the Goddess Ostara/Eostre. She’ll share some history about the blending and combining of tales and traditions, new and ancient, in the Wheel of the Year.
In celebration of the return of Spring and the growing light that banishes the darkness, Nicola will lead us into the Celtic Otherworld through one of her original retellings of ancient stories. She’ll warm us hearts to bones with the heat of rebirth and inspire us with hope and the call of nature to the soul.
Once we have entered the Celtic Otherworld, Nicola will offer participants a ritual to honor the dawn of growth and the crow moon with instructions for creating an altar to work with until our next celebration.
Guided Visualization
Nicola will then lead participants through an inner visualization to meet your guide as we journey through her terrain of increasing light, new growth, and balance. We will glean essential wisdom to take with us into our upper-world lives.
We will have plenty of time to join in conversation within our sacred circle.
Please bring fresh mint or rosemary, a candle and a journal for reflections and notes.
This is the 4th Gathering to Celebrate the Celtic Wheel of the Year.
Celebrating Ostara
This workshop is on ZOOM. Please arrive a few minutes early. We will start on time. Be prepared to have your camera and microphone working. Andrea Slominski, Ph.D. is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Celebrating Ostara: The Celtic Wheel of the Year Time: Mar 17, 2024, 04:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84580816882?pwd=ZXZ2Y2dQVEQ4OXcvUXBwVmFtOUFndz09 Meeting ID: 845 8081 6882 Passcode: 691851
$33.00Sale ended