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Access Medical Studies Here

Dr. A. has posted downloadable PDF's of medical studies on women's health in midlife and menopause for you. Download them and read them, be informed about your choices. Take them with you to see your physician if need be.
Be your own advocate.
Menopause Transition and Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Implications for Timing of Early Prevention
A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association
Review of Menopausal Hormone Therapy with Estradiol and Progesterone Versus Other Estrogens and Progestins  by  Shelli Graham, David F. Archer, James A. Simon, Kathleen M. Ohleth & Brian Bernick
Progesterone for the Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis in Women by J. C. Prior
The Musculoskeletal Syndrome
of Menopause b
y Vonda J. Wright, Jonathan D. Schwartzman, Rafael Itinoche & Jocelyn Wittstein
Use of Menopausal Hormone Therapy Beyond Age 65 Years and its Effects on Women's Health Outcomes by Types, Routes, and Doses . By Seo H. Baik, PhD, Fitsum Baye, MS, and Clement J. McDonald, MD
Estrogen Therapy for Osteoporosis in the Modern Era  by V. A. Levin ,  X. Jiang,   and  R. Kagan.

"Knowledge is the first step in transformative self care." Dr. A. 

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